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Alien RPG – Fallout

Birches1 (N)
Attendance: 4 / 4

This short adventure is a one-act scenario for the ALIEN roleplaying game. The scenario is designed to provide a brief taste of ALIEN RPG Cinematic gameplay. In this scenario, the players take the roles of a free trader and a group of scientists operating out of Tark-Weyland Station in the Three World Empire’s (3WE) Weyland… Read More »Alien RPG – Fallout

D&D 5E – Ice Road Trackers

Birches1 (N)
Attendance: 6 / 6

A Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventurer’s League Adventure. A trek toward Icewind Dale turns deadly when an avalanche blocks the heroes’ passage through the Spine of the World. Rescued by a menagerie of strange creatures, the heroes are asked to return the favour in exchange for answers about what’s happening in the cold and frozen… Read More »D&D 5E – Ice Road Trackers

Event Series D&D Adventurers League: The Frozen North

D&D Adventurers League: The Frozen North

Willows3/RPG Glade
Attendance: 5 / 5

The D&D Adventurers League is the official organized play system of D&D. It allows your character to travel from one game table to another–across the world and even through digital play–all while keeping your character's progress and loot intact. This is the Adventurers League module DDAL10-01: An avalanche strands you and your allies in the… Read More »D&D Adventurers League: The Frozen North

D&D Adventurers League EPIC: Terror in Ten Towns

Willows3/RPG Glade
Attendance: 30 / 30

The D&D Adventurers League is the official organized play system of D&D. It allows your character to travel from one game table to another–across the world and even through digital play–all while keeping your character's progress and loot intact. This is the Adventurers League module DDEP10-01 (EPIC): This epic adventure is a multi-table event, with… Read More »D&D Adventurers League EPIC: Terror in Ten Towns