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NOTE: These are the FAQs for the Strange Games Festival 2024. We are in the process of updating them for 2025.

If your question isn’t answered here, or you think of a question it might be handy to have answered here, email us at

Will there be food stalls? Can I cook?

We have food vans serving meals, snacks, vegan food and pancakes on site for the whole festival. And a bar and coffee van. (Responsible drinking is fine. Irresponsible drinking isn’t).

The site shop will be open Fri eve until around 8pm, Sat/Sun 9am – 6pm, and Monday from 9am. it sells cold drinks, sweets, chocolate, biscuits, marshmallows (and wooden sticks!), popcorn, milk and logs, and they take card.

There are supermarkets and takeaways nearby (some may deliver to the site). There are drinking water taps on site.

You can use BBQs and camping stoves if they are in the camp kitchen areas, on concrete or in fire pits. Do not cook on grass surfaces, or on the site tables. If you’re unsure please check with site staff. If there is a the long spell of dry weather we will have to be extra careful with BBQs and stoves. If possible, please eat from the food vans to minimise risk. Plus the food is really good 🙂

The site has some limited at-your-own-risk public fridge space available – ask at the site shop.

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Will I be able to park my car?

Yes – this year we may be using a different parking site, watch this space!

You will not be able to drive to your camping pitch (there are some trolleys for those with HUGE tents). Please share your car wherever possible, the environment will thank you.

Please note, all parking is at your own risk, the Festival accepts no liability for any loss or damage. Park safely, and don’t leave valuables in your vehicle.

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Will I be able to charge my phone?

As a campsite, there is limited power available. The site shop will offer some phone charging for a small fee, but we highly recommend you bring a powerbank to charge your phone.

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Where’s the nearest cash machine?

While our food vans all take card, you’ll probably want some cash for the Sunday Market.

The nearest cash machines are in Hailsham, or the supermarkets at either roundabout on the A22 – a car trip away courtesy of the busy dual carriageway in between…

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When can I arrive?

The Festival opens at 2pm Friday. Please don’t arrive before this time as there will not be reception staff to check you in.

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What’s W(h)erewolf?

Werewolf (or Wherewolf) is an amazing social deduction game of 10-20 players that lasts an hour or more. Try to figure out who is on your team, who’s a werewolf, and who’s a villager. We play in a circle (it’s a talking game, not a live action or roleplaying game) with lots of different roles, and there’s nothing quite like playing Werewolf around a campfire in the dark! We highly recommend you try a game or ten – there will be learning games specifically for new players.

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What’s the toilets/showers situation?

We have a big toilet/shower block that will be kept stocked during the event. We’ll also have some additional gender-neutral portaloos across the site. There is disabled gender-neutral toilet and several gender-neutral showers at the main toilet block.

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What roleplaying activities are there?

We’ll have GMs running regular games of D&D and other systems, one-shots, short campaigns and much more. Mostly you’ll book these when the festival opens. There may also be some adhoc games arranged.

If you want to GM, drop a line.

Any game, any system, new player or veteran.

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What is the Strange Games Festival?

A fun weekend of camping, glamping, playing board games, werewolf and role playing games (and more!). We started in 2016 as a group of werewolf players camping for a weekend, and over the years we’ve broadened out and became a gaming Festival for all gamers.

We host over 500 gamers, spread out over a beautiful woodland campsite in Sussex.

You can play under big marquees, out in the woods, in indoor halls. We have food vans, a bar, lots of fun activities, and much, much more. Come play!

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What else is on?

Various big games such as Blood on the Clocktower, Speakeasy and Two Rooms and a Boom, party games, a quiz, app-based outdoor games from PlayCulture, Medieval combat training and displays from Get Medieval, starship bridge simulation games from UKSBS, events on the stage, even the odd outdoor game dotted around. If you have a game you’d like to run, contact us on discord or email and we’ll help you make it happen!

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Safe Space Policy

The Festival is a safe, inclusive, diverse, tolerant, friendly space. If Trump would say it or do it, just don’t. In summary, don’t be a dick, or you’ll be asked to leave. If you’re not happy with something that happens at the Festival, please find a member of staff, and they’ll be able to help.

TLDR: We have ZERO tolerance of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or any other discrimination.

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Is the Festival LGBTQIA+ friendly?

Yes we are, and proudly so. We’re a richly diverse, inclusive bunch of gamers.

You may also want to read about our Safe Space Policy and Festival ethos. We have ZERO tolerance of homophobia, transphobia or any other form of discrimination.

If you have any worries about coming to the Festival, drop an email for reassurance.

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I want to run a game or event

Awesome! Get in touch with us at Or come see us at the Festival! Or y’know, wander round, find some players and a space and do it!

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How do I get to the Festival?

Drive to:

Bushy Wood Activity Centre
Main Road
East Sussex
BN27 3LZ

There’s plenty of car parking. Or train to Polegate, then station taxi (10 mins – look for other campers and group up?), or bus to the campsite.

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How do I find out what’s happening during the Festival (and before!)? What’s Discord?

We use Discord as a multi-channel text chat (like a dedicated Whatsapp) during the Festival (and before). It will also host our Festival Radio! You can access it through a web page or (better) by installing the app on your phone/PC. To join our discord, pop over to

You’ll find channels for general chatter and other Festival organisation, as well as ones for specific games. It’s a great way to keep up to date both before and during the festival.

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Have I got a ticket?

If you want to check you have a ticket, then visit the tickets page. It should say, “You have 1 Ticket for this Event” (or however many you have. Any questions, contact us at to check.

You should also have received an email confirming your ticket purchase.

Please note that this year you should have an actual electronic ticket/QR code, accessible from the tickets page. Due to system issues we may not use these at reception though.

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Got more questions…?

Email, come find us on Discord, or find a staff member at the event.

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Can I smoke? Vape?

Due to fire risk, there is NO SMOKING (of any form) on the campsite. We may have a designated smoking area in the car park. Vaping is ok as long as it ok with those around you.

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Can I come Solo?

Oh yes Han! We’re a friendly, inclusive event, and everyone is encouraged to join games, share games, and invite players. We’ll even have some sessions for meeting other players, forming groups and playing specific games.

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Can I come in a group?

Yes you can! We hope you’ll play with others too though, it’s so much more fun.

Camping can be busy, so we cannot guarantee you’ll be able to camp together as a group unless you arrive together. Please don’t try to reserve space for friends arriving later.

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Can I bring my Camper Van or Caravan?

You can bring a Camper Van, however we have a very limited number of pitches on site (as you can’t drive onto the camping fields). Due to these limitations, we don’t have space for caravans, very sorry. If you’d like to bring your van, you’ll need to buy a Camper Van ticket from the tickets page in addition to your attendee tickets. Without a ticket, no camper van on site.

There are only two pitches with hard standing and electric hookup for camper vans, which are ticketed separately.

Update: All onsite Camper Van tickets are sold out for 2024.

Note: there MAY be more spaces for campervans to camp in the parking field, but we don’t yet know the field situation. More on this when we know.

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Can I bring dogs and/or other pets?

No heckin doggo. Sorry! (Same goes for Alpacas and so on).

If you have a disability and require an assistance dog, please get in touch with

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Can I bring children?

While children are welcome at the Festival, we do not (for reasons of safeguarding) have any activities specifically for children. We are an adult gaming event, with alcohol and a lot of gamers just kicking back, relaxing, and occasionally rage-quitting with swearing. You will need to supervise your children at all times, and their behaviour and experience is your responsibility. You do need a Festival ticket for each child, as we’re limited on the total number of gamers we can have on site. Unattended children will be taught Cards Against Humanity, fed coffee and returned to you. Good luck.

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Can I bring a gazebo?

We’d prefer you not to put up a gazebo initially. If there’s space on Saturday, then feel free.

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Are campfires allowed?

Please note if there is a long stretch of dry weather there may be some additional restrictions on fires to reduce fire risk

Almost every camping glade has a (large) campfire/firepit. There are also communal campfires, some of which are reserved for Storytelling and Werewolf games. You can scavenge for fallen wood, and there is logs and kindling available to purchase from the campsite shop. All fires MUST be in the clearly laid out firepits. This is a woodland campsite during August, so fire safety is very important, and a responsibility we all share.

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Are board games provided? How should I look after board games?

Please bring some if you can (though there will be plenty even if you don’t), and ideally be prepared to share. The Festival is an opportunity to meet new gamers and play new games, so do have a mingle, and please do welcome new players into your games!

Please look after any games you play, and re-pack them as you found them. We can’t take any responsibility for your games – store them in your tent overnight, and make sure your name and contacts are inside.

And we have a big board games library, which you’ll be able to borrow games from!

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Accessibility and Baby Change

While the site is generally flat with paths, it is a fairly extensive woodland campsite. If you have any concerns regarding accessibility or anything else, please get in touch for more information. There is an accessible disabled toilet as part of the toilet/shower block, and there is a baby change unit which unfortunately due to space/wall limitations has to be in the female toilets (the site apologises for not having a more gender neutral location yet!). You can find more detailed information in our accessibility guide.

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