Volunteer applications for our 2025 events will open early 2025. The information below is for 2024 and will change.
Strange Games Festival is a community affair, we’re pretty much run by people who just want a really fun event to continue to exist. Volunteers are part of the community – in exchange for a discounted ticket, they work hard to help us make the Festival awesome!
If you’d like to volunteer at the Festival, please read on and complete the form at the bottom of this page. Volunteering is popular; while there is no deadline to apply, once positions are filled we will be closing the form.
What we need from you
You’ll be expected to work six hours over the course of the Festival. This will generally be two shifts of three hours each. In return we’re offering a discount (or partial refund) on your ticket. If you already have a ticket, we’ll provide a refund of £45, if you do not there will be one available to purchase at a reduced price (£50). There are a range of different roles available. You do not have to do both your three hour shifts in the same role.
Please note, the Festival is an inclusive event, welcoming to all, and you’ll need to embody that as a volunteer.

The roles
Set up
When: Friday morning before Festival begins at 2pm.
What: Helping us set up for the Festival. Moving tables, putting up marquees, climbing ladders to hang bunting, moving boxes of board games, etc.
Requirements: Physically able to move heavier objects like tables over uneven ground, able to climb ladders and hang decorations
Tear down
When: Monday afternoon after Festival ends at 4pm
What: Helping us tear down and tidy up. Moving tables, taking down marquees, climbing ladders to take down bunting, moving boxes of board games, etc.
Requirements: Physically able to move heavier objects like tables over uneven ground, able to climb ladders and take down decorations
Reception & car park
When: Variety of shifts throughout Friday afternoon & evening
What: Sign in desk – Sitting at reception, signing people in, and giving out wristbands and explaining where and how the Festival works. Answering general queries, etc.
Stewards – Helping people with unloading their cars and finding trolleys, handing out forms and answering queries, reporting to reception as fields fill up, etc.
Car park – Directing people in car park to ensure cars are packed safely and tightly, answering general queries.
Requirements: For sign in desk – able to deal with spreadsheets and customers. Customer service skills.
For stewards – able to deal with public, and capacity to stay on feet for duration of shift. Customer service skills.
For car park – able to deal with vehicles, stay on feet for shift, and deal with uneven ground. Customer service skills.
Session Hosts (Boardgames and Social Deduction)
When: Variety of shifts throughout Festival
What: Boardgames – welcoming new players, assisting people to find other players (if new or solo), and helping people select games they may be interested in. Social Deduction – welcoming new players, maintaining the glade, managing and liasing with moderators.
Requirements: Knowledge of board games or social deduction. Ability to approach and talk to strangers and facilitate social interaction. Customer service skills.
Info point/board game library
When: Variety of shifts throughout Festival
What: Staff the info point and library kiosk! There’s going to be a permanent desk for answering basic queries from people and for checking out some of our more chonky games. You’ll need to manage a check-in/check-out spreadsheet for the games. You’ll also be the main contact for the RPG glade schedule. You’ll be provided with an informational document to help answer questions, and a direct line to one of the organisers if a query needs escalating.
Requirements: Good organisation. Ability to deal with spreadsheets. Customer service skills.
House RPG GM (beginner games only)
When: Variety of shifts throughout Festival
What: You’ll be running scheduled D&D 5e Adventurers League starter sessions for new players.
Requirements: Experience running D&D 5e sessions.
House Social Deduction mod (beginner games only)
When: Variety of shifts throughout Festival
What: Moderating scheduled Werewolf or Blood on the Clocktower beginner sessions, using standard rules.
Requirements: Experience moderating Werewolf or Blood on the Clocktower.
To apply, please fill in this form
If you have further questions, please contact volunteer@strangegamesfestival.co.uk